Joe Tucker

The CAMC Employee Emergency Fund is a fund that CAMC Employees are eligible to apply to during times of hardship. The fund is supported by donations from fellow CAMC employees who sign up to have payroll deduction of personal funds applied to the fund. It provides CAMC employees with up to $800 per year through a grant that they do not have to pay back. Qualifying events such as flood, fire, medical expenses, and funeral costs are reasons that an employee may apply for the fund.
For Joe Tucker, Support Services Administrator, donating to the CAMC Employee Emergency Fund gives him great pride. Joe has seen the impact up-close. Joe said that hearing and seeing employees in such dire situations makes you want to make a difference and cites that as the reason he donates to the CAMC Employee Emergency Fund.
In addition to donating to support the fund, Joe was an inaugural member of the Employee Emergency Fund committee. The Employee Emergency Fund committee has representatives from each hospital and meets monthly to review applications of employees who have applied for the grant within the last month. Joe said that serving on this committee is one of the most important and meaningful jobs he has done at CAMC. He went on to say how humbling the experience was for him and to describe the resilience of so many recipients of the fund.