Appalachian Save A Life Day - $20,000
Funds will be utilized to support the CAMC Addiction Services department and their participation in the Save a Life Day event that focuses on providing lifesaving Naloxone to members of the community. The event has grown each year. It started as a city-wide effort, grew to a multi county effort, and last year to a statewide effort.
CAMC Children’s Advocacy Center - $100,000
Funds will be utilized to continue the Family Advocacy Services at the child advocacy center and funds are used to cover the co-pays and deductibles for children treated. No family pays for services provided not covered by insurance.
CAMC Children's Cancer Center - $20,200
Funds will be utilized to help purchase items such as resource bags to be given to newly diagnosed patients and families, funding for an oncology patient annual picnic, helps support funding so that our patients can attend a special oncology camp, supports assistance to barriers of care in transportation and nourishment, and purchases updated XBox games, controllers, and other activities in the playroom in the CAMC Children's Cancer Center.
CAMC Children's Cancer Center End of Therapy Party - $3,000
Funds will be utilized to obtain gifts and items needed for children who have been fighting a brave fight against cancer and concluded their treatment. The party includes patient, family, and care givers celebrating with festivities, cake, and hope for brighter future.
CAMC Employee Emergency Fund - $100,000
The CAMC Employee Emergency Fund provides assistance through the CAMC Foundation to CAMC employees who experience personal financial emergencies such as: Family bereavement expenses, replacement of personal items due to theft, flood, fire, or other disaster, moving expenses to escape unsafe living conditions, and emergent medical expenses.
CAMC Family Resource Center - $218,608
Funds will be utilized to support the CAMC Family Resource Center and seven key areas that include Childbirth Education Program: Journey to Parenthood, Bereavement, Drug Addicted Mothe Baby program, Gigi's Place, Specialty Clinics, and therapy services for CAMC Women and Children's Hospital.
CAMC Foundation Education Assistance Project - $3,500,000
Funds will be utilized to assist in obtaining a higher level of education and continuing education to provide better patient care to our community. A wide variety of career paths qualify under the Educational Assistance Program – not only nursing programs, but several allied health programs. Those wishing to obtain nursing degrees and work after graduation, it also funds RN student loan forgiveness and employee continuing education dollars. CAMC is invested in supporting future generations of the healthcare workforce.
CAMC Foundation Hospitality House - $241,461
Funds will be utilized for the operation the CAMC Foundation Hospitality House to provide a place of rest and respite for patient's families who are cared for at CAMC.
CAMC Heart of the Holidays - $5,000
Funds will be utilized to assist employees and their families when they are experiencing financial difficulties during the holiday season.
CAMC Institute for Academic Medicine - $1,500,000
Funds will be utilized to support new infrastructure resources, including recruitment of key academic and administrative talent needed to lead and/or support new programs that includes, but not limited to, program leaders and faculty physicians, research support staff and IT resources, and leadership development.
CAMC Institute of Academic Medicine Programs - $626,490
Funds will be utilized to support Resident and Fellow Research Travel, Geriatric Education & Pharmacy, Research Day and Mou Lecture series, guest lecture programs, mini-med schools, the Center for Learning and Research Simulation Center, Health Services and Outcomes research, Geriatric research, research externships, and sepsis research.
CAMC Medical Rehabilitation Center - $10,878
Funds will be utilized to help convert CAMC Medical Rehabilitation Center’s existing patio into a green space area in order to create a more conducive space for wellness and emotional support in accordance with holistic patient care for patients, families, and CAMC staff members. The Medical Rehabilitation Center located at CAMC General, accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, provides intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation including nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy in an inpatient setting with physician oversight and psychology and social services resources.
CAMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) - $10,000
Funds will be utilized to support the purchase of new equipment as well as with creating a healing and environment.
CAMC Ryan White Program - $10,227
Funds will be utilized to support HIV outreach events in multiple locations throughout the year, including use of mobile medicine services to unstably housed clients, rapid Hepatitis C antibody testing, rapid HIV antibody testing to high-risk individuals throughout the service area, and allotment of blankets, socks, underwear, gloves and beanies for unstably sheltered individuals encountered during outreach or mobile medicine clinics.
Camp Winaca - Pediatric Cancer and Hematology Camp - $5,000
Funds will be utilized to help support a residential, weeklong program for children with either a pediatric cancer diagnosis or a bleeding disorder, ages 7-17. Camp is held at Camp Twin Creeks in Marlinton, West Virginia and offers safe, fun, and educational activities throughout the five day program. Medical staff from two main children’s hospitals in West Virginia provide 24-hour coverage throughout the week of camp. Bleeding disorder participants are encouraged to learn about self-infusion, physical and nutritional well-being, self-care, and respect for others as well as engage in new activities or enhance their already acquired skills. Oncology participants are also encouraged to learn more about the importance of physical activity, nutrition, general self-care, and respect for others, as well as how these areas affect their overall well-being.
Cancer Survivorship Program - $35,000
Funds will be utilized to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors, which will be accomplished in part by hosting the 5th Annual CAMC Cancer Center Fashion Show to provide education and materials to address adapting to body image changes, psychosocial programs and classes to help cancer survivors cope with emotional issues related to cancer treatment and survivorship, smoking cessation classes and individual counseling to cancer patients and survivors to improve health and reduce risk, supplies, materials, books, refreshments, and lunches for programs, copay assistance and underinsured assistance for psychotherapy provided by licensed psychologist for cancer center patients and family members, exercise programs to ensure healthy habits and cope with physical changes, and opportunities for education of staff to ensure that patients and survivors receive the most up-to-date evidence-based care.
Chemotherapy Cancer Patient Support - $10,000
Funds will be utilized to help support patients that start on oral chemotherapy with expenses while awaiting insurance approval and or grant applications for assistance.
Child Life Funding - $3,000
Funds will be utilized to allow the Child Life Specialist to purchase items such as games, toys and craft supplies for the pediatric patients that will be used during the child's hospital stay. This helps keep them busy and their mind off of being in the hospital.
Cleft & Craniofacial Center 3D Camera - $15,000
Funds will be utilized to purchase a new 3D camera and equipment.
Colorectal Cancer Support - $10,000
Funds will be utilized to provide financial assistance for patients who face the following barriers to care such as uninsured and underinsured, gaps in infusion pump costs, patients needing ostomy and ileostomy supplies, thermometers, patients needing dough-nut cushions to provide comfort and relieving pressure off sacral area during radiation treatments, and increased awareness with prevention and screening events.
Congestive Heart Failure Patient Support - $6,000
Funds will be utilized to provide scales to heart failure patients so they can actively engage in their healthcare and catch fluid issues in a timely manner to correct them prior to having to go to the emergency room to avoid admittance to the hospital.
Department of Surgery Chairman Support - $82,000
Funds will be utilized to support the CAMC Department of Surgery chair and non-clinical administrative time that includes working directly with the Division Chiefs for three divisions of surgery: General Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Trauma/Critical Care Surgery.
Emergency Management Resources - $50,000
Funds will be utilized to replace the Personal Protective Equipment used for HazMat / Decontamination of patients who are or might be exposed or contaminated. CAMC is listed as a First Receiver facility for exposed or contaminated patients and emergent scenarios.
Growing Hope - Cancer Patient Nourishment - $3,000
Funds will be utilized to support cancer patients coming to CAMC for care that experience many social obstacles in addition to their medical needs, including hunger. Staff at the CAMC Comprehensive Assistance with Resources and Education (CARE) Team at the CAMC Cancer Center will identify patients in need with the goal of increasing access to nutritious foods for cancer survivors. In partnership with Gritt's Farm, the Cancer Center will receive boxes of produce weekly that staff disbursed to those receiving cancer treatment or in survivorship.
Head and Neck Cancer - $8,000
Funds will be utilized to assist head and neck cancer patients with socio-economic needs and provide resources to combat barriers to care.
Scrub Drive - $5,000
Funds will be utilized to help purchase and distribute scrubs to both identified new hire and critical need employees who are having financial difficulties purchasing scrubs in colors as required for their respective job.
Sepsis Awareness Month - $1,200
Funds will be utilized to increase awareness and provide education in regards to sepsis and remembrance of the lives lost to sepsis. Staff will hand out coffee sleeves at the Outtakes areas at Memorial, General, Teays Valley, and Women and Children Hospital locations and feature signage at the entry ways at the four hospitals along with the information and remembrance of the lives lost.
Teddy Bear Fair - $6,000
Funds will be utilized to help host The Teddy Bear Fair; an event open to the public each year and is designed to help children learn about health and wellness in a fun, non-threatening way at CAMC Women and Children's Hospital. Medical professionals are available to guide children by treating their Teddy Bears, which are provided at no cost to the children, to help minimize the fear of hospitals.
West Virginia American College of Surgeons - $15,000
Funds will be utilized to help support travel, lodging, registration, nourishment, and the cost of programming for dedicated medical student and resident events at the annual meeting. These include forums, dedicated lectures, question and answer sessions, and surgical simulation events as well as a resident competition, along with dedicated time for student research presentations and competitions.